International Relations


KELER is the member of the following international organizations


ECSDA -  European Central Securities Depositories Association

The European Central Securities Depositories Association(ECSDA) is the organization of Western European CSDs where currently 37 countries are represented by 40 depositories. The goal of ECSDA is to find common solutions and determine common principles in theinterest of efficient cross-border securities trading and settlement. Investors in Europe and globally need efficient and secure, low-cost cross-border settlements to exploit new opportunities. KELER has been a member of ECSDA for years and plays an active role in the operation of the organization both at the level of management and subject matter experts.

ANNA - Association of National Numbering Agencies

The Association of National Numbering Agencies (ANNA) is a global industry association, with presence in excess of 120 countries, comprising a membership of central banks, central securities depositories, stock exchanges, data vendors and regulators. The goal of the organization is to facilitate and standardize the creation and issue of global identifiers so that each security and capital market product has a unique identifier and basic product data can be available. The detailed internal principles allow members of ANNA to apply the general rules of ISIN code creation, modification or cancellation in a uniform manner. ANNA is responsible for the operation, maintenance and development of the Global ISIN Access Mechanism (GIAM), the international identification of securities. Similarly to ECSDA, KELER plays a role in the management of ANNA also, thus it contributes to the adoption of the global best practices.